6 February 2012

Ready, Set, Go........well nearly.

G'day, you're a bit early. I haven't started the official blog yet as I'm not leaving till 15th April 2012.  I will start blogging probably about a week before I go. The actual blog will be about riding around Australia, anti-clockwise and keeping to the closest bitumen roads to the coast. The distance is pretty close to 15000 km and I'm hoping to average 100 km per day which should give me enough recovery time when I need it. The total trip should take about 5 months

The blog site enables people to view my  exact real time position and also the weather for that region by clicking on the top bar. Also the blog has a Comment section at the bottom of the blog. By clicking on the word Comment it will pop up. This is where it gets a bit scary for people and might need someone to assist because they ask you to use a google profile before you can publish a comment. If you have not got a Google account you must create one which is very simple. Once this is done you only have to sign in each time, write your comment in the box provided, and click on Publish. Bingo.

Well now that you think you can post a comment, please try, even if it's just a test because now is the time to talk it through if need be. Glad to help if you need it.

Also, some guys have expressed interest in riding from the start to different distances. Fantastic,would greatly appreciate the camaraderie, more the merrier

This ride is not raising money for a cause, but if you think I should be, feel free to donate to your favouritecharity.

That's all for the moment guys. Early days, but if anybody has any suggestions they think the blog needs on a trip like this,  feel free to post a comment. Least I will know that a comment can be made.


P.S. At the bottom of the blog click on the word after the word location, click on the area written in blue (Scarborough)  to look at the map and pics of the area.