Day 40 Started early before sunrise from Lorne as my target was Melbourne which was some 140kms away and i needed my best chance for all the planets to line up together if i was going to try and navigate my way through the traffic in the heart of the C.B.D at a descent hour. After taking a wrong turn in Geelong and turning back to a more direct route for a bike I eventually could see the tall buildings of Melbourne getting closer with every pedal.
Then i was stopped by some guy who worked for the Vic Roads and told me ,you cant ride on this road,its a freeway. And i said ,yes i can, the sign back there said i could. Even though it must of been 30 kms back. He apologised and told me he was new at the job and said, fair enough you no what your doing. Well i think i did ,I was looking for a particular bike track route in Footscray to take me over to Flinders St Station area which i located without too much trouble. Thank god because i heard theres a lot of brothels in Footscray and i was only interested really in finding a bike route.
I arrived at the Station to take a few photos to prove to myself that i was really there. People everywhere dressed in black busily walking quickly as theres no tomorrow and me standing there like a homeless man stinking like a rotten piece of meat. So off again down St Kilda Road which turned into the Princess High Way on my way heading toward Cranbourne area. Stopped for a burger so i could get some energy happening to continue riding as i felt pretty good. Came out of M'cafs and it was quickly getting dark and cold,freaking out that i am going to come a cropper if i don't find a place soon and i looked over the road and saw a motel.Bingo ,that will do. These wintry days are too short.
Happily booked in at 105$ and the women was Chinese who owned it so i was clicking my heals down the corridor shouting out knee how,knee how, like a bucking donkey.I think she thought i had gone mad and was laughing at me. Did some washing there and organised my bike for another early start after boring her husband with my recent Shanghai trip photos.
Lucky i had my helmet on. |
Flinders Station |
Day 41also started early in the dark and rain. I was going o.k. with a slight tail wind and knocking the kms off but slowly getting wetter and wetter till i was saturated but not that cold.My trick in the morning was to put my socks on and then plastic bags on them before my shoes,great if you want to turn your feet into aquariums and then your shoes start to swell and get heavy.Also my so called wet weather gloves sucked the water in and the fingers of them started to extend out. At one time i thought that i was being tortured by the C.I.A with the water dripping off my helmet to my nose every five seconds The only good thing where the trucks at the stop lights as you get the heat from there exhaust pipe and it feels nice.
Loch ,was i thought a good time to have a break and a coffee.big mistake. After visiting a nice coffee shop in town and meeting Chantel and her fiancee Mat, i went outside to carry on riding, then disaster struck,the body went into an uncontrollable state of shock,eyes wide open,teeth clanging together and body shaking as though i was getting electrocuted.
Plan of attack was to try and go straight to the pub down the road owned by Sybil to book in for the night.Not as easy as you think when your body has turned rigid and blue. .On meeting her she said she would show me the room and i kept saying ,fire,fire till she new i was in trouble and needed warmth quick. I stood by the fire for a good half an hour, then the big hot shower and then put some warm clothes on. It was only then i said to Sybil an hour later, what did you say..
I don't know how i am going to deal with this constant rain and cold if it hangs around too long. I was thinking perhaps a full wet suit complete with hoody and boots plus of course the helmet. But i thought that might bring the attention of Mr Plod, bit like the gimp out of the Pulp Fiction movie, and when he See's me bonging on a truck exhaust at the lights straight from Snowtown i'm sure the bike trip would be over.Any suggestions are welcome to overcome this dilemma
Now its been a couple of hours now since i have booked in to The Royal at ground zero in Loch and Sybil and her partner Toddy have been wonderful hosts. Making cups of tea and dipping my camera in rice to get the moisture out of it .Meal time starts at six and i have heard good reports about the menu. Could end up one of those stories about how i was just passing through and ended up staying for ten years.
Had a drink here 37 yrs ago with Jim. |
Would you believe it, and i was just in the zone |
Taken from outside the pub in Loch. |
This is a bit basic but the technical people just couldnt get it together back in Perth so i am following the 5,6 and 7 graders from Colleens School to show you where i have been |
Sorry about the photos ,seem to have a bit of moisture in it and i will try and dry it out.Except for the last one looks better than it really is.
HooRoo till later
What can I say?
Keep em' coming, the weather looks just like it did 44 years ago, but as I said before big guy, you are just about to head North, it will be like a 'second coming'.
Actually,i feel like Jesus,sacrificing myself everyday to put a little enjoyment in my followers lives.Trying to extract some hidden personality from them which has been suppressed by there environment or past and to get involved. It's hard work but i will try and give it my best shot. If this dosen't work nothing will,God help them.Lol.
DeleteMust be snow on them there hills by the feel of the nip in the air here in Ballarat today. My daughter flew home today from 26 degree London to 7 in Ballarat....couldn't believe how cold it is but I'm sure you'd be able to find more than a few colourful adjectives to describe the conditions you experienced today. Sorry to say that my son (a meteorologist) predicts more rain and temps in the low teens for the next few days in rug up and get out of this neck of the woods as fast as you can....take care!!!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry im out of here as soon as i can. Trying to head North if energy permits.
DeleteThe Australian Masters Rowing Championships were called off today here in Ballarat after the wind caused the boats to capsize and the competitors were taken to hospital suffering hypothermia. I hope you're not cursing me about putting plastic bags on your feet to help keep the wind out!
ReplyDeleteOf course not Mon x How are the inner thighs/lol
DeleteYou were looking for a route in Footscray?! And you showed the Motelier our holiday photos?! LOL. All very exciting :) Excellent blogging Mr.Kelly, although you can't be too brave against these elements. Looking at the weather conditions, you're probably better off being the slow tortoise for now.
ReplyDeleteHey Grant, these blogs get better by the day - they're addictive. Now I'm not exactly sure where Gippsland is but I think you are in it. The weather forecast for Gippsland even got on the Perth news tonight: 50-70 Km/hr winds gusting to 100Km/hr over the next 24 hours and flash flooding possible. I know the cred of my advice is a bit sus right now, but I reckon even the drover's dog would tell you to stay indoors tomorrow and
ReplyDeletetake lots of good care.
Mate im up to my neck in it,smack in the middle.The advice about stopping for a coffee and cooling down was not the best. The idea of coffee is good but stopping ,no. From now on it's drive through at Maca's.
DeleteDon't u just love Melbourne??!!
ReplyDeleteMy youngest, Lauren lives in Caulfield. Every time I go over I just feel like it's home!!
I was there a couple of weeks ago and it was bloody freezing then!! Must be even colder now :)
Put on the thermals!!!
You seen that bastard around.
DeleteBetta get yourself a set of thermals from Target mate,traps your body heat inside the material,cheap as chips too even a struggling bikerider like you could afford some.If you spot a camping shop on your trails ask them if they sell thermalite gloves beanies,these are gold in the cold-I an ex Melbourne man know the cold well,it snowed in Upwey where we lived 40km east of the city in 1984.
ReplyDeleteI have thermals ,refer to the French Connection below Jono
DeleteLet your body tell you to stop and recover, a bit earlier, next time. It's not a race!
ReplyDeleteThe radar over Melb yesterday looked horrific and I could imagine you slogging along thru it all..hail, thunder, lightning and pouring rain!
What a man.
Linds you cannot just stop in the bush and recover,you have to stop at a town or a place which has shelter and be water proof.And I am not treating this as a race just because i give it a go in the morning and it turns nasty. Today was very bad starting off and now the sun is shinning. I have stopped 35 km from Foster for a drink and to check the wind direction because it has changed on me from what i read last night on the net plus i love the blog.The blog paints a gloomy picture sometimes about the weather but overall i think i have had a good run up to now by pushing along regardless. The body is a bit tired but if i stop every time i feel tired i wouldnt of left Perth yet. Keep up the good work ,you inspire me that your on to my every move.
DeleteGday mate, looks like the weather could be better! great to see you doing so well. Before you know it you'll be in sunny Queensland, keep it up tiger!! LOL not that up I mean your quest, take care.
ReplyDeleteDo not mention Q.............. It's like talking about the Desert before i have finished my Entree (Vic) and not even seen my Main yet (NSW) But i know what you mean cobber.
Deletewell, it's all a bit embarrassing really. To have Grant heading for the 90 mile beach and some of the best coastal scenery in the country and it's the weather from Hell. As a Victorian I'd like to say it's been great for the last few weeks, but this is winter with a vengeance. But, good to see you have left Lock, and heading on. Wind looks about 30kms at this stage and it's 12 degrees so no more close encounters with hypothermia.Take care with the traffic on the South Gippsland highway, it has a bit of a reputation for blind corners and uneven surfaces, but the traffic shouldn't be too bad (this weather). Will have the tracker on all day, 'big brother is watching you.' Just to add some romance to the whole Victorian experience, it's snowing in the mountains and you may even get to see it in the distance on the hills to the north later on. Can't get that in any other state!
ReplyDeleteGood on ya Jude,dont worry ,i wont bag Victoria,well not at least till i get out of this cold dreary place.
DeleteHi Grant, watch out for hypothermia... this is not a joke mate! It will bring you down big time!!!! Jono is right, but better is to look for a mountaineering shop like Mainpeak or Anaconda and buy a 100% polypropylene long sleeve thermal t-shirt and a long sleeve fleece to wear over it. It will keep your upper body warm under your rain gear and minimise the possibility of another bout of near hypothermia... I don't know about your rain gear at the moment but while in the shop you would do well to look for a waterproof totally windproof highly breathable jacket in something like "Hydronaute" fabric or similar. When you perspire under a non-breathable raincoat all that trapped humidity makes you feel cold very quickly. It may set you back a few dollar but you will be warmly cocooned for the rest of the cold weather and very glad you did it.
ReplyDeleteYeah your on to it John ,about the humidity cooling down quickly. On visiting all the adventure shops with Joy before leaving Perth for suitable gear i found it very hard to obtain the right wet weather gear in this situation of keeping the rain out plus letting the hot air out at the same time. You cant have anything bulky as the space it takes up is a problem plus the flexability when riding. I do have long sleeve themals and long pants which i have worn everyday of the trip and with a "t" shirt on, that plus my rain jacket and cycle pants it has been pretty good so far.I think the problem the other day was that i got too wet through and went into a warm enviroment and stepped back outside and the actuall outside temperture had dropped a lot and also my body temperture had lowered but the clothes were soaking underneath.This a long winded answer but the combination of everything at the same time wont happen again because i am aware of circumstances. Thankyou and Jono for giving me your concerned advice.
DeleteI am with you every pedal push of the way...I want you to circumnavigate this massive continent of ours. I want to see the BIKE enshrined forever out the back porch, so Pearl can piss near it each night and Joy can touch the seat and rub her hands over the handlebars each morning.
ReplyDeleteBut I worry about you, and what's his name that travels with you. I imagine the kilometres unwinding beneath those tyres and think..."Thank god it is he and not I."
But DO look after yourself.
The blog is something special to all us readers. Your efforts are something special to us all. The kilometres under those tyres are unbelievable.
But... you know what I mean.
Yes,I do know what you mean loud and clear.However as a weather guru you must have noticed that even though the cold and rain have been a problem the wind has been kind to me. Having pushed into wind on the odd occasion, i know how important it is to take advantage of it is when it's there. There will be days, as in Lorne where it just wasn't worth it, to push into the 35km winds, and that is when i did rest .
Deleteoh my God, I've just landed in Singapore and Blogged on, its 06:12 hrs here Sunday morning, that would make it 08:12 and you are heading for "Woodside", that's where it all started and if the bloody shares don't come back up I'll be needing that bike of yours just to visit Joy and Pearl when i retire.
ReplyDeleteSee how addictive it is, damm the oil world its Glant i want to know about......
Love your Work
Hey Bluce excuse my ignorance but i didnt know it started there. I would of got a pic of the sign but didnt realise.I can say one thing though there havn't put any of there profits back into the community,all i saw was a garage and when the guy sold me a can of lemonade for two dollars i just stood there and said "thats 1975 prices"He was a bit embarrased i think and his comback was that all the other places rip you off. Mate get with the times, ripping people off is becoming the norm,Nullabor Road House $14.80 hamburger and $5.20 for 600mil of flav milk
DeleteGreat! An overnight in Sale. Looks like you're nice and central and have food and beer at your fingertips. Flat roads ahead, as you head along the coast to Bairnsdale and points East. Bruce might not agree, but Sale is still a town of riggers and an argument can start in a pub over anything. Jim won't be able to help you out much, so you might need your plumbing skills (talk to anyone, anytime about anything!) Enjoy the rest.
ReplyDeleteIm here not because i want be Jude its because i struggled from Yarram with a head cold (dripped the whole time) and have just woken from a two hour sleep in the Gibbsland Pub in Sale. Have been pumping hot lemon and honey drinks into me. Hope i wake up tomorrow a bit better than today. And don't worry I just don't think i'm in the fighting mood at the moment with some rigger,just cant wait to have the strenght to ride away from this cold ,water logged place.Don' ever let these hillbilly Southerners know about sunshine Perth
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Be sure to keep resting until you're over it. Just remember the distance you have already covered is a fantastic achievement esp given the weather conditions of the last week. And we all want you to succeed making it around the paddock so give yourself plenty of TLC now when you need it. Hope there's chicken soup on the menu at Gippsland Hotel.
ReplyDeletePlenty of fluids
ReplyDeleteThink of us Melbourne supporters. I watched some of the game and all last quarter.
I can't say a thing!