Has anyone seen Shane lately,i heard his out practising for his crossing of the nullabor later in the year |
cuzzooon |
Bound to get a fine here |
Mikes sheep and dogs |
The man himself ,Big Mike. |
Danial from Berlin |
Well guys I'm back on the airways totally flogged out of energy. Let me fill you in what happened back in day seven quickly, left Walpole as thought i had a piano on board. Dark, cold and raining plus more hills.Met a guy from Berlin,Danial at a nice Toffee ice cream type place when it really started to rain just before Denmark,he is also cycling around the South West the other way. Another visitor coming up for Joy,lucky girl.
Mr FANTASTIC in disguise as a farmer |
Waltzed into Denmark for lunch and just about to go off toward Albany Mr FANTASTIC in disguise as a farmer crept up behind me.Instantly on with the cycling gear and off we went. I could see it in his face that my energy level had dropped. I was trying not to make it too obvious but when you have to get off the bike and push up a slight hill your in trouble. Yernster did a few k,s then back to his vehicle to pass me soon down the track
Going too fast |
Wheat Silo Bin Hotel |
Margaret in her beautiful rammed earth home |
I'm the Wellstead Road house Dog, so come on down Pearl, and i'll show you a good time! |
Day eight Albany to Wellstead Road house.Ended up staying at Margaret's house B&B about 5 k's off the main road on her Carramah Farm.She caters mainly for workers in the area who need accommodation but i was the only one there that night as her husband was in Perth. It was her birthday too and I'm still wondering if she was thinking if i was a special present from her hubby.lol. I don't think so being happily married and having 5 children and skypeing to one of them in Paris on the night and two farms to look after plus being one of the main go getter's in the community i think she has enough on her plate .Some women back in Perth should take a leaf out of her book.
On the way to Wellstead ,yep you guessed it Mr FANTASTIC and Sharon tracked me down after going past me at Many Peaks because i was asleep at the tennis courts Had my GPS off to shake some peeping toms.Day Nine left Margaret's B&B felling good and with a slight breeze helping me arrived at Jerramungup and continued to a wheat silo bin and set up camp there.Woke up on day Ten and off to Ravensthorpe against a stiff breeze.Met Michael one of the local farmers while resting at his letter box and he started teaching me about wool because he had a couple of sheep in the back of the Ute.If he only realised i was only nodding yes and looking interested because i was ready to throw up from exhaustion.Good bloke thou to stop and have a yarn.
Got to Ravensthorpe and booked into a room and had a counter meal and straight to bed. In the morning awoke to be on the radio at 7.45 with 89.7fm. and then left at nine toward Esperance but ended up falling 65k,s short and slept in a paddock with a million mosquitoes trying to get into my tent and a seven foot kangaroo circling my tent,thump,thump. Not good when Brian told me that's how they kill other kangaroos by jumping on them ,so didn't sleep very well that night
Day 11 and i made it to Esperance, will continue tomorrow,keep those comments coming in there keeping me ALIVE.