Day 90 was the day i left Mt Isa at 5.30am to get a good start as the next place of call was Camooweal some 190kms away. I was very disgusted with Isa as the mine next to the town looks like a big Tumour growing on the side of the town. The town looked messy and the infrastructure was poor for a so called boom town. Still that's not my problem now.
The wind was forecast for S/E and ended up being a Westerly all day. Even so due to the rest at Isa i went O.K and got to the Camooweal Pub and booked a room around 6pm.The only real exciting thing on the way was i saw another walker,well i thought i did until i noticed a car further up from him and when i got to him he said that he had broken down and heard a big bang going along and thought something had fallen off so he was looking for anything on the road. He introduced himself as Moritz from Hamburg.
Moritz,completely confused. |
He asked me if i knew anything about cars and i immediately thought it could be a trap and this guy was going to steal my bike. I checked the water and oil while still on the bike (with difficulty) and told him he had no oil in the motor. He produced some oil and i poured it in and off he went again till he completely blew the motor up about 5km further. I never said i was a mechanic. When i arrived again some other people said they would send a Tow truck back for him. I continued to Coomaweeland when arriving at the Pub and waiting for service for a lemon squash the barman ignored me and started serving other people who came in after me and i roared HEY,WHAT ABOUT ME. We locked eyes and with my" The Butchers Dog Look" as my mate from Birmingham the walker said i looked like the first time we met, he could see that i was not joking and I won that staring competition. You don't ride 190kms into the wind and look normal while waiting for a fizzy The next day I was having a chuckle to myself ,didn't they write a song with those words.
I had my standard counter meal and saw Moritz outside talking to some other people so i went and said hello. He said Hi and i said, i see you got towed into town.Yes,what would you do if you where me he said. Well i told him that it would be $400 in fuel to get to Darwin where he was heading but a truck might cost $700 to take his car there perhaps ,so its really only $300 more and that might be an option because the town mechanic wants $5000 dollars to fix the motor and should be cheaper in Darwin.. The funny thing is he didn't recognise me and thought i had a truck and he starts trying to knock me down in the price, i let him go on for a while and then told him i was the bike had to be there, but boy was he embarrassed and confused. In his broken English,you have no hat on ,you have different shirt on, you The other great thing that night Lucinda,Bruce and Wills from Burke and Wills R/H where all at the Pub visiting there son, Al so we all had a good chat and a laugh.
Day 91 was the almighty big one as far as distances go ,260kms from Camooweal to Barkley Road House. Left early and stocked up on food at the local Road House and again had a big goodbye to Lucinda,Bruce,Wills and AL as they where having an early start and breaky.. It was only 14kms to the boarder and i was excited as i rode up to the sign.
Very nulabor look about it. |
One thing about the N.T they go faster
Probably because your not likely to hit a tree. |
Ended up peddling till i got about 40 kms from Barkley Road House and that was it for the night as it was dark and the front tyre was going flat again for the second time today. Luckily it lasted till i got to a caravan rest stop. Put my tent up near a caravan and the fellow came out and lent me his hammer to straighten my tent pegs. You really need a cordless hammer drill to put these pegs in. The guys name was Geoff and he was curious about how old i was because he said i was no spring chicken,cheeky
Day 92 started off different with a huge argument between two caravan guys because one started his generator at 6.30am. It wasn't till about 8.30am the argument started so i think the big guy of the two saw the other guy was a midget and old so he started grandstanding till i sang out,HEY,YOUR ON HOLIDAYS while standing with my kitchen knife and tights on complete with helmet from a distance. They both stopped and went to there caravans,i must have been a sight. Walked out to the main road and it was like a tsunami of bitumen that took me for a long ride toward the Stuart Highway because of the strong wind and after visiting the Barkley R/H still fell short by 40kms of the highway
Day 93 was a ride to the the Stuart highway to turn ,right and stopped at the Three Ways R/H (no milk or fruit) and then took off to Banka Banka
Neil and Marion living the dream. |
Didn't get much sleep that night as i had a gut ache and a bus load of adventure kids kept playing night cricket and giggling till late.
Day 94 was just the same as every other day ,ride,ride and ride.Went through Renner Springs and then on to Elliot to get a room as i had spent 3 days in my tent and all my batteries where flat so i needed power. Elliot was a huge disappointment as they had no rooms and the place was a dump. Couldn't stay there so off i went and soon stopped by a van with a fellow jumping out,it was Danial from Berlin who i met early on my trip and he ended up staying with Joy and Dan at my house.
Good on Danial for tracking me down on the blog to stop and say hello |
Kept going on my way till i found a caravan rest stop.Met some nice people straight away there.
Ended up having dinner with Philis and Charles in there caravan who i have invited to my place when they get to Perth. Actually Ive met and invited so many i don't know what i will do if they all show up together. John and Mary from Adelaide or was it Chris and Peter from Sydney,hang on was it Peter and Mary from Tassie. I think i will just have to make name tags when they all get there. Oh yeah ,throw Moritz in the mix too.
After dinner i thanked them and i went to my tent to find 6 modern day backpackers all sitting next to my tent rolling cigarettes and drinking and trying to be cool to two French girls who giggled at everything the blokes said .I told them not to be all night because i need my sleep,but they where and i ended up losing it and telling them to f... off after the second time of telling them I'd had enough.
P.S .Definition of a modern day backpacker now is.....Don't hitch hike anymore,get a van and live like a pig zooming around picking fruit for money subsidised by the govt and rolling your own ciggy's and clasp on to your beer as though its all your got left. Bring back Ivan Milat.
Day 95 was exciting as i was making progress to Katherine and the road stops are not that far apart for the time being.I have reached Daly Water R/H and booked into a room to charge everything up and catch up on the blog.What i have noticed in the N.T is that there is no road kill or for that matter wild life compared to QLD. The place is baron,no rabbits,snakes,or even wallabies. the only thing Ive seen is a cat with its three little kittens on the road.
A few photos to look at.......
One for my little girl in Mackay. |
Good old bus, notice the cut out section at the top like a boat viewing area at the top back covered with removable plastic |
Your gotta be joking |
Ah Bluce, can you give me an all clear on any Charlies in the area ,copy. |
This makes the nulabor look like heaven. |
Just didn't look right ,all Lycra-ed up in the most remote area of Australia , looking too serious
wot |
Hoo Rooo