19 July 2012

Day 96

Day 96 Let me first start by announcing that its Lindsay's birthday on Monday the 23 -7 -2012 and he will be 65, so if you have enjoyed Lindsay's input into the blog so far  i think we should at least wish him a happy birthday for next Monday. Three cheers for Linds. I'm sure he would love to hear a comment from everybody.

Now back to me, Left Daly Waters and headed to Larrimah this morning and while cruising along a left hand drive car came up to me filming me and asking me questions about what i was doing and then they asked me to pull over to take some pictures. It ends up that these two German guys are about to embark on a record fast car drive from Melbourne to St Petersburg which are sister cities to deliver a letter to the Mayor. This guy,Rainer Zietlow has got his shit together organising sponsors so he can attempt these thrill seeking joy rides all over the world and get a bucket full of money at the same time. He gave me his web site as ...Challenge4GmbH.....but its in German. Check it out,the guys got brains to put it all together. P.S. They cracked up when they saw my big dinosaur radio on the front of the bike, i told them i'm from "old school" but i don't think they new what that meant.

Rainer is doing all his filming and pics now as he won't have time to do it when he starts his record attempt
Off i went feeling as though my little trip was not that exciting till i arrived at the Pink Panther Pub at Larrimah which had a free zoo. This is where i saw my first Salt Water Croc, Sneeky Sam.

Sneeky SAM

Can never get this close to these buggers in the wild.
Left the Pink Panther and went to a cafe at the Northern end of town as advertised on the Highway coming into town,home cooked scones etc etc.  Frans Cafe, and this is where i had lunch. Turned out to be real nice food and a real nice lady and we got on well talking about how she's been there for 26yrs.  Actually the sign in the doorway said it all, no holding back old Fran.

Biggest Termite nest I'd seen yet.

After reading the nice welcome sign i read the next one down and commented to her about it and that broke the ice, mates forever.
Look Out Thorpe

Thought i had known Fran her for years.

Off i went eventually to Mataranka and dip the body into the natural hot Deep Springs next to my rammed earth motel room i have booked into for the night.Well sorry about the blog tonight  but it is not behaving as the photos won't go where there supposed to go and the print ,never mind.
Roo Who ?as they say here in the N.T.


  1. daniel jackson19 July 2012 at 23:43

    45 more sleeps and im off to the philippines. i hope im here for your arrival , it should be an event not to be missed .ok talk to you soon.

    1. I don't like to predict but it will be close if not before. But if you haven't mowed the lawn though you won't be going anywhere.lol

  2. Well happy birthday for Monday Lindsay,65 a nice milestone I say.A mate of mine at work who beat Lymphoma cancer overheard a bloke complaining about turning 50 and he said to him "Turning fifty sure as hell beats not turning fifty".Ha Ha.
    Well you look like striking range of Katherine there Grantis ,three quarter way will be nice to get on the board.Should be a few more hits on the blog after word gets out on the Manpower thorpedo shot.

  3. Thanks Jono
    Yeah, I played bad golf on Wed, but then thought, "At least I'm out here, playing bad golf."
    The young fellow on the bike has always looked up to me, but that may have to do with relative sizes heheheh
    He definitely has grown in stature to all of us over the trip...
    Go Grant.

  4. I see by the Mataranka pic of you Grant, that the water must have been freezing??

  5. Wow. Happy Birthday Brother, 65, didn't the Beatles do "When I'm 64"?

    Done the hot springs also, it's bloody amazing that it's there in the middle of the desert.

    Film crew in the middle of nowhere, hell that sounds like some places that 'friends' of mine have been and you can hear the camera running behind the one way mirror late at night :-)

    When's the 3/4 mark come up big guy??

    1. The exact place is just 18 kms before Willaroo,first place out of Katherine some126km.

    2. Hang on Bluce, its Willeroo, i must be tired:-)

    3. That puts me as the winner...... what do I get, 1 month in Nam, 2nd prize is 2 months?

  6. Oh, BTW, Jeannie Gunn wrote "We of the never,never" at Mataranka. there you go!

  7. At Katherine in the middle of the afternoon?
    Does Bluce tell you to turn due West, now?
    3/4 of the way?
    Any more questions?
    Here's an answer...42.
    What was the question?

  8. Katherine Show day, today, Grant.
    Perhaps you can ride your bike in the parade??

  9. Yes ,not a happy chappy that the bike shops not open to sort my pedal and tyres out to get away early tomorrow.

    1. oh my God you must be on line right now??? 14:24?

  10. Hey Thorpie, are those bike pants in the photo at the Hot Springs painted on or what? On the home run soon mate...downhill...yeeeeha!


  11. Hey, heah I just about forgot...its about 3912kms from Katherine to Scarborough. So I reckon you'll be back in Perth to celebrate your birthday well & truly if my memoryt serves me right...mate you know you already qualify for pensioners insurance? (oh shit that means I do also...fuck it!)


  12. Grant you look like a new man in your bathing gear !! Lean and mean , just keep it like that when you get back or we will have to send you on another long long bike ride lol.

  13. Hey its a bit scary now that ive trimmed a bit of excess fat off,because i don't know what i'm going to use as fuel on the home run . I suppose i'll just have to feed off the blog. Hope your and Carrie are getting fat and sloppy in Bali.
