Day 84 was a ride from Mt Surprise to the Gilbert River camping ground. I decided to stop there as i had done enough for the day and i thought the company would be good. Some guys lite a fire even though it wasn't cold but later saying it brings people together for chats. I was looking more for a cup of tea perhaps but that didn't eventuate ,till i was offered a coffee in the morning. The two couples i was talking to around the fire where O.K till the guy came over who i had set my tent behind and just gave me the shits talking about, "I've been everywhere man".Complete self centred fool. About 8.30 it was time to turn their Pace Makers down and go to sleep except the idiot whom i had set my tent up behind turns his T.V. on, and loud ,and kept opening draws and doing dishes. Ended up not sleeping very well, still that's life.
I picked the wrong position behind this idiot |
The boys setting up the fire for a chat, two retired plumbers from Victoria. |
A pleasant change along the road ,even though there few and far between, are toilet blocks, there good for water and when nature calls
Toilet block and seats, plus water from the basin. |
Day 85 After saying goodbye to my caravan guys and having my complementary cup of coffee, off to Croydon i went. Quite a lot of cattle on the side of the road not fenced and some look fairly stocky and could do some damage if they attacked.
This camera is not like my other one which broke but this is a pic of a cow or bull pushing a car. |
For some reason the bike started to shake and tried to turn down this road. Very strange |
Unfenced but hasn't seen me yet , so i better get going. |
I thought they had sterilised that bloke so he couldn't breed .Must be his son |
Reached Croydon and had some lunch and then thought that i would just do my best to get within 50km from Normanton and call it quits.But as i was feeling O.K.i decided to keep going till the sun went down hoping it would be a full moon and then set my tent up. Unfortunately it wasn't and it was black as. Then in a crazy state i decided to go for it and reached Normanton about 8.30pm and booked into the pub motel and am now resting my tired body. Well i better get some sleep now for tomorrows ride.
Doing well, Champ.
ReplyDeleteLots of oldies on the road? You will soon be out of Queensland...that will be a relief.
How is the "camera" different?
Heard the latest.......they don't want to be called grey nomads , now its Sun Birds.....please. The camera has not as many pixs ,but ok
Deletehello Grant,
ReplyDeleteWell being challenged is part of the ride. I have caught up on your journey of the last few days. A lot of hard riding but fits the country your in. I guess you need to be someone of the calibre to achieve it in the first place. Specialllllllllllllllllllllllll as bruce Mcavaney said about "buddy"
The photos of the hair look good, perhaps keep it to a profile though.
Also watch the creeks from now on in, especially with your back to the river, never know what is lurking in the waters. Having been born in the wild i am still petrified of the small head variety with poisonous hisses, but we were never threatened, as we had a very healthy respect for each other.
I imagine the hair and the beard will be down near the knees by the time WA land comes into view. i hope Scarborough welcomes a long haired grey bearded old man into town.
ps riverditchy -
Grace your excelling. Long haired grey bearded old man, i don't think so. I asked Jim when he was around at the kitchen table, and said to him, do you think i should go ferral and he said, no keep yourself nice. So i'm maintaing the nice look to the end,i hope.Imight as well do itto the letter since i've come this far.
DeleteWould love to meet you in Mt Isa but don't think the family will give me a clearance. Tested out the bike yesterday and it's all good. Thank goodness you are nowhere near here very cold weather Minus 2 degrees last night. Don't think those Brahman bulls will give you any trouble unless the cows are on
ReplyDeleteFunny you should say that. The buggers see me and run along the fence like your pet dog wanting to come with you till i get too far away and they stop.Dont know how the can torture them in those Indonesian countrys
Delete15040 are certainly being watched....although it would appear that the majority of "watchers" are quite shy to make a comment but the fact they are logging on says they are thinking of you even though they do not express it...
ReplyDeleteSpoke with Damo today - sounds like he is over his ordeal...taking sick days..that is a first!!
Tuned into the Tour de France last night. Scary stuff as they are going so fast but it certainly gets in you. I was quite exhausted after sitting on the couch watching last nights efforts.
Jack you just calm down and stop exhausting yourself. Maybe watch it in bed so your lying down so it dosen't hurt as much.
DeleteHey Grant, Holy crap...look out while you are up there...bloody crazy country...there is news out that some lunatic queer with a commando style hair cut, wearing bike pants is chasing I mean fat shielas ...around the paddock...havent seen him have ya?
Yes apparently theres some photos getting around that i was chasing some cows but it was purely for scientific reasons.I needed milk for my Vita Brix and had my eye on a nice cow with about 6 juicy titties and i thought if i could just grab them and put a bit on my breaky without anybody seeing i should be right. Whoever that was spying on me im prepared to pay for those other photos you might of took an hour later........You know how it goes...........Hey it wasn't me ...theres another cyclist out here to you know....
DeleteYou said that you would prefer those who check in to leave a comment so here it is.....a lazy Sunday afternoon, spent inside and rugged up against the cold, following your progress on the spot tracker. I suspect the view is fairly monotonous in that part of the country but maybe the thought of coming across something more interesting around the next bend is spurring you on to cover so much bitumen each day. Can't believe how far you've gone since you stayed with Jeanette in Brisbane and we had the chance to reminisce.
ReplyDeleteYes i can't believe it either but there's not much else i can do out here except ride and reminisce. I'm going quite fast and the scenery does change quite rapidly. One minute it's rough bituman then smooth then back to rough and then some gravel back to red smooth. It's make you want to go faster to see whats next,perhaps a bit wet then dry again.
DeleteHi Grant had dinner with Pat tonight, tried to ring you over a bottle of red but you were out of range apparently or just not answering. Watch out for the brahamas and also the wild pigs oink oink take care doing great see you in September Cheers big ears, and they are so evident with your new haircut.
ReplyDeleteSaw a Black Pig with two little pigglets but they got scared and ran off before i can get a photo. Cute little things but rugged,not like my Princess.
DeleteHi! Grant, done amazing....we follow you everyday and being your spectators but you get to win this for all us....we get to rejoice with you when you cross the finish line. cheers mate.
ReplyDeleteMate ,be a while before i get to the finish line, but remaining confident ,as i am appreciating the support.
DeleteCaught up with Joy and Pearl tonight...Pearl was in a pretty pink T shirt with Princess written on it. They appear to be looking after each other very well..but that is not to say that they are not missing you.
Hello Tilak , doing a great job !! The rat says hello ,hard to keep the Kelly's down .
ReplyDeleteKeep PEDALLiNG
Yes ,by the look of it their all down except Jackie.
Deletehey cock,
ReplyDeletehad a appendadicktome,( survived )
Just when i bag you for not blogging and there you are.Hope it didn't leave much of a scar on the forehead.
DeleteCant believe Damo taking sick days,doesnt sound like him,must be losing his hard demeanor.You have to harden him up again Dylan after all this soft minework and 3 course dinners and desert.
ReplyDeleteLooks like your copping some decent weather,keep it up Champ!
Tuesday today and decided to hang out at Cloncurry after only doing 50km just to give the body a rest before heading to Mt Isa plus its raining.
Deletejust ate 1 of your mums sausage rolls mmmmmmmm . and now im having some of your mums homemade soup mmmmmmmm .your a lucky boy . all is well here , looks like im going back to phil long term in september .the weather is miserable and cold here , unlike the good weather your getting. il have that cash ready for the bank of scarbrough when you get back , t y for that . ok speak to you soon ,
ReplyDeleteHope your getting fat eating all that food. Hey haven't heard from Pete for a while. Maybe take him to the Phil to shake him
DeleteI'll try again, "Turn right" just out of Cloncurry. Look for a sign that says "Mt Isa", don't you just love this help???
ReplyDeleteIt's Tuesday and 'they' are blocking bloggs again. Colleen visited me on Sunday here in Vung Tau, she said the kids love your Blogg, what a guy.
Cheers, from the 'blind boy' of Vietnam
Hi grant
Deleterained here today...first time in living memoery. Or my memory, anyhow.
Cloncurry, hey and rat is back. he had a stitch or two?
Nearly out of your Queen's land. Only a teritory to go and that doesn't count.
You're home, virtually.
From the map, looks like nothing is out there...
Sorry buddy ,had the blog all set to go and lost it. Tomorrows another day.
ReplyDeleteI'm in early and 'they' haven't turned on the spy ware yet, caught up, gives me strength to continue. You look great, as Lins says "Hell your nearly home", do you want to hang out with me when you get back, just to keep your blogg going big guy??
ReplyDeleteLove your Work.
Got an invite to a Vietnamese wedding next week, no, I don't think its mine, but not speaking the langauge I could finish the night married, all a bit confusing.
Along way yet Bluce. Can i hang out with you and NOT do the blog?