15 April 2012

Day One.

What a big first day. Started off fantastic with a few friends arriving at around five o'clock to see the four of us off at 5.30 and it went like clockwork. Top effort, especially from Brian my neighbour from across the road who is 82, to be there at that time with the big handshake and best wishes. We left with the theme song playing Kid Rock's Born Free in the dark. Lol

John,Grant, Na, Yern,Pearl(straight back to bed after the photo shoot) Me, Pete and Ryan
Joy (straight back to bed after the photo shoot) and me

The day was going ok till disaster struck with a series of punctures and the Grant and Na team had to throw the towel in and catch the train home after about 60 kms and only about 20kms to finish to Mandurah, but to get that far in good time was a great effort.

Yern and I carried on and he nearly killed me setting a rapid pace to get to Brian, my old school mate in Myalup, making the days ride about 150 kms. Too much too early but it had to be done otherwise the two of us would have had to spend the night in my one man tent. And that was not gonna happen!

The Boys working hard on the tubes

Funniest moment of the day, after insisting getting a photo outside the Mandurah Post Office to make the trip route legal Yern forgot to unclip his feet.
Brian, our host in Myalup. Single and eligible, girls
We are now fed and ready for a more relaxed day tomorrow by doing a little less distance.


  1. Guys, a very impressive effort for Day 1. Well Done!

  2. Wolf whistles for Brian's profile picture! Where all the single ladies at?!

  3. I love the sat' tracker, take it easy, I'll be watching from afar...

  4. so the journey has begun.....looking forward to sharing the experience with you and your friends. love from cuz, glenda.

  5. Mick the 4wd shop16 April 2012 at 22:41

    One man tent hey!! Ide ride 150ks as well .. Ha ha
